Thursday, October 31, 2013
Styx Special Mark II 2059 - RPG Midsized
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy.-Active Sus., Large PP (PC/SC), 4 SD-Steel-FP-Radial Tires, Driver (blended BA); GG (10/reg) in UM turret, ABS-HD brakes, HD shocks, panic-button link for all dischargers, safety seat, cyberlink, spoiler & airdam, active sus., surge protector, tinted-no paint windshield, Long Distance Radio, Radar, Radar Detector, Radar Jammer, HTM & Overdrive (linked); 7 oil/smoke dischargers, 4 bumper triggers, 2 10 pt. WG rear, 2 10 pt. WH front, 10 pts. RPFP CA each around driver & PP & GG, 158 pts. RPFP Plastic armor: F30 B30 R35 L35 T15 U13; HC: 5 (6 over 60), Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed 100 (75/120), Pwr 2300, 5759 lbs. (max 5760), $82,962.00
2063 Update - Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy.-Active Sus., 150 cid IC engine (Tubes/Blue/VP/Spr) (9dp), 5 gal Dueling gas tank (8dp), 4 FP-Radial-Steelbelted-Solid Tires (14dp), Driver (no equip); GG (10/reg) in UM turret, FOJ (25/reg) back, HRSWC, IFE, Active Suspension, Safety Seat, spoiler & airdam, HD-Antilock brakes, HD Shocks, Overdrive, no-paint tinted windshield, LDR, Radar, Radar Detector, surge protector, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2T, 2U, 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); panic-button link for all dischargers with FOJ; 7 total links, 36 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP & gas tank [4 spaces] and (b) driver [2 sp.], no cargo space, 58 pts Composite Armor (33 LR Metal/25 FP Plastic): F 7/3 B 7/3 R 8/3 L 8/3 T 1/9 U 2/4; HC: 5 (6 over 60), Acc. 20 (Overdrive 10), Top Speed 87.5 (107.5), MPG 44, 5757.8 lbs. (max 5760), $66,682.00
2063 Update Electric - Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy.-Active Sus., Large (PC & SC) (10dp), 4 FP-Radial-Solid Tires (11dp), Driver (no equip); GG (10/reg) in UM turret,PS (25/reg) part of the Styx Laser Paint Array, HRSWC, IFE, Active Suspension, Safety Seat, spoiler & airdam, HD-Antilock brakes, HD Shocks, Overdrive, no-paint tinted windshield, LDR, Radar, Radar Detector, Radar Jammer, surge protector, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2T, 2U, 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); panic-button link for all dischargers with FOJ; 7 total links, 30 pts total for LRFP Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP [5 spaces] and (b) driver [2 sp.], no cargo space, 150 pts LRFP Armor: F30 B30 R30 L30 T15 U15; HC: 5 (6 over 60), Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed 100 (75/120), Pwr 2300, 5758.6 lbs. (max 5760), $58,287.00
Design Notes - This was in my draft pile dated Oct 15 2009. Not sure why it's so special. It's a nice historical contrast between how I designed cars back in '09 'til now. 7 instead of 10 dischargers, tinted windows, cyberlinks, RPFP armor instead of LR Metal etc. Also, my original write-up had $89,962 as the final price, that's a $6000 discrepancy. I think it's because I originally had a Long-Range Radar without realizing they weren't just $10000, but also 100 lbs and 1 space.
For the gas update, I removed the radar jammer because as far as I can tell, it requires a laser battery.
It's also evident how much of a massive rip-off the cyberlink is. Sigh. As my love of Blue Thunder shows, cyberlinks should be may more awesome.
Name Notes - Yet another Styx Special. My subconscious really likes that name because I use it without realizing I've made about a (half) dozen of these.
Zoe - RPG (45) Pickup (SUV) (Galaxy)
Type: Pickup 1 Space Ext Cab, Chassis: Xtra-Heavy, Suspension: Heavy, Engine: Sport (no mods), Tires: 6 Solids, Crew: Driver & 3 Passengers (see below); Weaponry: HMG (20/HD) in 1 sp. UM turret, FOJ (25/reg) back, Weighted Accessories: IFE, active suspension, 4 safety seats, Unweighted Accessories: SWC, HD-antilock brakes, HTM, Overdrive (linked), no-paint windshield, Dischargers: 10 total = 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2T, 2U, 1R 1L); Defenses: smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); [5 total links], Wheel Armor: 40 pts total WG/WH (you choose where), Component Armor: 9 pts LRFP each around (a) PP and (b) driver, (c) 3 passenger spaces (in cargo); Cargo: 10 cargo spaces are used as follows: 3 passenger spaces, 1 space for CA around passengers, 6 for uncovered (?) cargo; 162 pts Composite Armor (2 Metal/160 Plastic): F (0/30) B(0/30) R(0/35) L(0/35) T(0/20) U(2/10); HC: 4, Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed 92.5 (77.5/112.5), Pwr/MPG 2000, Weight: 7267.8 lbs. (532.2 lbs for passengers/cargo = max 7800), $44,442.50
- Cheapest Option - regular solid tires, remove HD-Antilock brakes, active suspension, HTM, overdrive, UM for turret, no-paint windshield: 7077.8 lbs (722.2 for cargo/passengers), $31,142.50
Design Notes - This is an "SUV" version of the Logos, which was meant to be a 2063 "minivan." However, I wondered if a pickup needed to be a camper to actually count as an SUV - mainly because of the uncovered luggage issue (is there another option?).
Also, in terms of adding to a pickup's HC, spoiler/airdams are $550, 110lbs; radialing 6 solid tires adds $4500 and 90lbs ($3000/450 vs $7500/540), and active suspension is $4000, 100 lbs. So spoilers are cheaper and heavier, yet only work at over 60 mph; radial tires are more expensive than active sus., weigh 10 lbs left and take 1dp off each tire. Active suspension, in a pickup, seems like the best option because not only does it add HC, it also helps with other handling issues.
Originally, I had a Super plant with PC & SC to allow for better towing (to be honest, I still don't know how towing works). But then I saw the price and realized that a Super PP with PC & SC costs $5100, weighs 1100 lbs., and has 2900 power factors while an unmodified Sport PP costs $6000, weighs 1000 lbs, and has 3000 power factors! That's just wrong, but I will exploit it; 100 lbs is really valuable.
I tried making this a camper not only did I lose cargo weight, it was 100+ lbs overweight. And that's just to get protected luggage. Note, I chose the pic of a covered pickup because... I dunno, it looks more like what I wanted.
Name Notes - Zoe is the companion to Logos, Zoe is the satellite to Logos' asteroid. As I said with Logos, this is a cool name - rather than go for Greek (pagan) mythology, scientists used Gnostic philosophy. According to the Wiki: "58534 Logos is a small Kuiper-belt object, more specifically a cubewano, notable for having a comparatively large satellite named Zoe.... In the Gnostic tradition, Logos and Zoe are a paired emanation of the deity, and part of its creation myth.†"
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Logos - RPG (30) Station Wagon (Galaxy)
Type: Station Wagon, Chassis: Xhvy, Suspension: Heavy, Engine: Large PP (PC & SC) (10dp), Tires: 4 Solids (12dp), Crew: Driver & 3 Passengers (see below); Weaponry: VMG (20/reg) in turret, FOJ (25/reg) back, Weighted Accessories: IFE, 4 safety seats; Unweighted Accessories: SWC, HD-antilock brakes, HTM & Overdrive (linked), no-paint windshield; Dischargers: 10 total: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2T, 2U, 1R 1L); Defenses: smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); [6 total links], Wheel Armor: 30 pts total for WG/WH (you choose where), Component Armor: 9 pts LRFP each around (a) PP and (b) driver, (c) 3 passenger spaces (in cargo); Cargo: 7 cargo spaces are used as follows: 3 passenger spaces, 3 pure cargo spaces, 1 space for CA around passengers; Armor: 152 pts Composite Armor (2 Metal/150 Plastic): F 0/30 B 0/30 R 0/30 L 0/30 T 0/20 U 2/10; HC: 3, Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed: 92.5 (67.5/112.5), Pwr/MPG 2000, Weight: 6148 lbs. (452 for passengers/cargo = max 6600), $25,750.00
I wanted to get 4 safety seats, and as much else safety measures I could. The difficult trade off was between a fire extinguisher and roll cage (300lbs for StWg), and I went with the former. To get 450 lbs for the total cargo, I needed to take away 10 pts from front Wheelhubs (considering they only work half the time...) and un-radial the tires.
One new nifty idea is to have 1-2 pts of Metal armor on the underbody alone. This will protect from standard FOJ flames as metal is always fireproof (and this way the rest of the armor won't need to be).
Name Notes - This is another asteroid satellite. It's got a very cool name - rather than go for Greek (pagan) mythology, scientists used Gnostic philosophy. According to the Wiki: "58534 Logos is a small Kuiper-belt object, more specifically a cubewano, notable for having a comparatively large satellite named Zoe.... In the Gnostic tradition, Logos and Zoe are a paired emanation of the deity, and part of its creation myth.†"
- FP Option -FP tires & armor: add $5000
- Deluxe Option - as FP, but also add Computer Gunner/Autopilot/Navigator, LDR, CTV, Radar, Radar Detector, Radar Jammer, surge protector, tinted windshield: $41,600
I wanted to get 4 safety seats, and as much else safety measures I could. The difficult trade off was between a fire extinguisher and roll cage (300lbs for StWg), and I went with the former. To get 450 lbs for the total cargo, I needed to take away 10 pts from front Wheelhubs (considering they only work half the time...) and un-radial the tires.
One new nifty idea is to have 1-2 pts of Metal armor on the underbody alone. This will protect from standard FOJ flames as metal is always fireproof (and this way the rest of the armor won't need to be).
Name Notes - This is another asteroid satellite. It's got a very cool name - rather than go for Greek (pagan) mythology, scientists used Gnostic philosophy. According to the Wiki: "58534 Logos is a small Kuiper-belt object, more specifically a cubewano, notable for having a comparatively large satellite named Zoe.... In the Gnostic tradition, Logos and Zoe are a paired emanation of the deity, and part of its creation myth.†"
Linus - Div25 Luxury (Galaxy)
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy Sus., Large PP (SC) (10dp), 4 Solid Tires (12dp), Driver (no equip) & Gunner (no equip);
RR (10/reg) in turret, 2 linked RR (10/reg) front, FCE (10/back), smart
link, safety seat, 2 TC, HTM, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2T,
2U, 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T;
covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil
& also linked to that side's weapons); 1 total link, 39 pts
total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component
Armor each around (a) PP and (b) driver, 158 pts Plastic Armor: F 30 B 30 R 32 L 32 T 19 U 15; HC: 3, Acc. 5 (HTM 10) Top Speed 90 (67.5) Pwr 2200, 6599.6 lbs. (max 6600), $24,937.50
Option - sloping armor takes 2 spaces, so to slope armor:
Design Notes - This is in my files, dated Oct 5, 2010. I tried hard to get this to div20 for the option. To do so, I compromised on dischargers and defense, and needed to add a few points of metal armor
Name Notes - This is an interesting this, Linus is a moon of an asteroid! According to the Wiki: "(22) Kalliope I Linus is an asteroid moon that orbits the large M-type asteroid 22 Kalliope. It was discovered on August 29, 2001, by astronomers Jean-Luc Margot and Michael E. Brown" I had no idea that asteroids can have moons. Whoa.
Option - sloping armor takes 2 spaces, so to slope armor:
- remove gunner, add 15 pts armor: $25,583.50
- remove FCE, add 10 pts armor: $24,373.50
- remove component armor, remove 1 pt WG/WH, add 14 pts armor: $24,764.00
- remove 1 forward RR, add 35 pts armor: $24,123.50
Design Notes - This is in my files, dated Oct 5, 2010. I tried hard to get this to div20 for the option. To do so, I compromised on dischargers and defense, and needed to add a few points of metal armor
Name Notes - This is an interesting this, Linus is a moon of an asteroid! According to the Wiki: "(22) Kalliope I Linus is an asteroid moon that orbits the large M-type asteroid 22 Kalliope. It was discovered on August 29, 2001, by astronomers Jean-Luc Margot and Michael E. Brown" I had no idea that asteroids can have moons. Whoa.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Oberon - Div100 Pickup (Amber)
Pickup (C/A Frame), Xhvy Ch., Hvy-Active Sus., Sport PP (PC-SC) (12dp), 6 SD (FP-Steel-Radial) Tires (14dp), Driver (blended BA, FP suit); RL (10/Incen.) in turret, 2 linked RL (10/Incen.) in EWP facing forward, 2 ITL (turret & front), LGL for all 30 rounds, smartlink for TLs, PS (25/reg) part of the Styx Laser Paint Array, 9 Pts LRFP EWP armor each, HRTC, Active Suspension, HD-antilock brakes, HTM, Overdrive, safety seat, no-paint windshield, 7 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 3 smoke (1T 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's
weapons); 6 total links, 36 pts total for LRFP Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP and (b) driver, 200 pts LRFP Plastic Armor: F 40 B 40 R 45 L 45 T 15 U 15 HC: 4, Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed 110 (82.5/130) - without EWPs, Pwr 3450, 7799 lbs. (max 7800), $94,650.00
Design Notes - This was in my draft pile, dated Oct 8, 2009. Oberon is one of the most powerful of the This is part of the Amber characters, so I wanted to make a very powerful car. Sadly, back in 2009, that meant a C/A frame. Hence the 2063 update, which is not altogether bad, but it reinforces my discovery that EWPs are really heavy! Each is 250 lbs, that makes a RL into a laser; so is it worth it?
As usual, after the spate of updates and options, I'm not sure the end car recognizably resembles the one at the top.
Note, the original didn't have the Styx Laser Paint Array, but I had an extra space and 80 lbs to spare, so I left historical accuracy.
Name Notes - This is named after the head of the family in the Amber series. Ironically, since Oberon is a name of a moon of Uranus, I've used the name before.
- 2063 Update - Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy Sus., Sport PP (PC-SC) (12dp), 6 SD (FP-Radial) Tires (11dp), Driver (no equip); RL (10/AP) in turret, 2 linked RL (10/AP) in EWP facing forward, 2 ITL (turret & front), LGL for all 30 rounds, smartlink for TLs, PS (25/reg) part of the Styx Laser Paint Array, 9 Pts LRFP EWP armor each, HRTC, Active Suspension, HD-antilock brakes, HTM, Overdrive, safety seat, no-paint windshield, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2U 2T 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); 6 total links, 35 pts total for LRFP Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP and (b) driver, 150 pts LRFP Plastic Armor: F 30 B 30 R 30 L 30 T 15 U 15 HC: 4, Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed 110 (82.5/130) - without EWPs, Pwr 3450, 7796.6 lbs. (max 7800), $73,600.00
- Option - use FP armor only: 39 WG/WH, add 15 pts vehicular armor (165 total): 7798.6 lbs, $72,515
- 2063 Gas - Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy Sus., 150 cid IC engine (Tubes/Blue/VP/Spr) (9dp), 5 gal. dueling gas tank (8dp), 6 SD (FP-Radial) Tires (11dp), Driver (no equip); RL (10/AP) in turret, 3 linked RL (10/AP) forward (1 in car, 2 in EWP facing forward), 2 ITL (turret & front), LGL for all 40 rounds, smartlink for TLs, PS (25/reg) part of the Styx Laser Paint Array, 9 Pts LRFP EWP armor each, HRTC, Active Suspension, HD-antilock brakes, Overdrive, safety seat, no-paint windshield, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2U 2T 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); 6 total links, 34 pts total for LRFP Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP/gas tank and (b) driver, 172 pts LRFP Plastic Armor: F 33 B 33 R 38 L 38 T 15 U 15HC: 4, Acc. 15 (Overdrive 7.5), Top Speed 72.5 (92.5) - without EWPs, MPG 44, 7798.8 lbs. (max 7800), $81,195.00
- 2063 Gas, no EWP - Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy Sus., 150 cid IC engine (Tubes/Blue/VP/Spr) (9dp), 5 gal. dueling gas tank (8dp), 6 SD (FP-Radial-Steelbelted) Tires (14dp), Driver (no equip); RL (10/AP) in turret, 2 linked RL (10/AP) forward, 2 ITL (turret & front), LGL for all 30 rounds, smartlink for ITLs, HRTC, Active Suspension, HD-antilock brakes, HD shocks, spoiler & airdam, Overdrive, safety seat, no-paint windshield, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2U 2T 1R 1L): smoke linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); 6 total links, 39 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor around PP/gas tank, 81 pts Composite Armor (39 LR Metal/42 Plastic):F 8/4 B 8/4 R 8/4 L 8/4 T 1/13 U 2/13 HC: 4 (5 over 60), Acc. 15 (Overdrive 7.5), Top Speed 72.5 (92.5), MPG 44, 7797.2 lbs. (max 7800), $77,108.00
Design Notes - This was in my draft pile, dated Oct 8, 2009. Oberon is one of the most powerful of the This is part of the Amber characters, so I wanted to make a very powerful car. Sadly, back in 2009, that meant a C/A frame. Hence the 2063 update, which is not altogether bad, but it reinforces my discovery that EWPs are really heavy! Each is 250 lbs, that makes a RL into a laser; so is it worth it?
As usual, after the spate of updates and options, I'm not sure the end car recognizably resembles the one at the top.
Note, the original didn't have the Styx Laser Paint Array, but I had an extra space and 80 lbs to spare, so I left historical accuracy.
Name Notes - This is named after the head of the family in the Amber series. Ironically, since Oberon is a name of a moon of Uranus, I've used the name before.
Friday, October 25, 2013
End of 2037 Designs
As far as I can tell, I've found all my 2037 designs. I'd be happy to find more, and it may happen, but for now that seems it. Onto updates and new "2057" designs.
Blue Thunder 2037 - Replica Chopper
Standard Chopper, Std. PP (26dp), Pilot & Gunner; AC with mag front, stealth mode, sound enhancement, 2 cyberlinks, IR sight, sound system, 2 ISC, radar, LDR, armored searchlight (some systems are in cargo); rotor DP: 6/4; 531 pts RPFP Plastic Armor: F 120 B 95 R 88 L 88 T 42 U 100; HC: 2 Acc. 5, 13,999 lbs., $194,420.00
Design Notes - Do the youngsters know about Blue Thunder? Without question, this movie needed to be a source for Steve Jackson's design of choppers in Car Wars. While every movie/TV show/book about armed vehicles can be seen a CW source, this movie - and the title character - displayed so many sci-fi extras, including the first time I had seen a cyberlink.
I'm so confident of this connection, that I suggest my same rules for James Bond cars: whatever is in Blue Thunder/Bond *must* be in Car Wars. This isn't just the normal urge to add new stuff to the game (a process which may assume led to its disregard/demise... and affects almost every RPG) - these doodads should be core.
Replica Notes -Here's the data from the Wiki, for when I make the inevitable update:
- "The aircraft itself was a modified Aérospatiale Gazelle helicopter."
- "1 inch (25 mm) 'no-lock metal armor' "
- "chin turret with an "electric" 20 mm (0.79 in) six-barrel Gatling gun able to deliver 4,000 rounds per minute"
- "twin cheek-mounted Nitesun spotlights"
- "infrared thermograph"
- "airborne TV camera with 100:1 zoom and night-vision capability"
- "cameras fed 3⁄4 in (19 mm) videotape, with a locker in the belly of the aircraft"
- "External audio pickups were capable of hearing 'a mouse fart at two thousand feet'"
- "A 'whisper mode' granted her the ability to operate in silence"
- "Blue Thunder's cannon was controlled by a Harrison Helmet in conjunction with a 'Harrison Fire Control System' (which is named after one of the special effects prop designers and not an existing fire control system)."
- MISSING from the wiki is the turbo boost, seen at the end of the film [Spoiler Alert] which allows the chopper to do a loop-de-loop (normally physically impossible for a helicopter).
Other Sources
- This webpage gives some data, and the first picture above.
- Flickr pictures of the filming here,
- Another page here.
- Another page here, which gives us the second picture, a "car wars-esque" drawing, and explains:
The weight of the Blue Thunder modifications (the very angular canopy, gun turret, and additional "wings" on the side) made the weight very heavy, especially as the original Aerospatiale SA-341G Gazelle was never designed to fly with additional weight added to it. The first helicopter to ever truly do a complete 360 degree loop in real life was in fact, a Sikorsky S-52 in 1948. Here's a YouTube video clip to prove it.The last website gives these details for the chopper, which seems more 'accurate' (and fleshes out the Wiki data):
- Helicopter number: N77GH
- Jet turbine engine with boost capability, enabling 360° loops
- Heat sensing infra-red filter for night vision
- Closed circuit TV-camera with a 100:1 zoom-lens
- ¾" code-numbered video-system; the tapes can be erased on signal
- Wide-band scanner
- "Whisper Mode" for silent flights
- Three TV-monitors. The center monitor is connected to a vast array of data-banks
- Twin long-range, high-sensitivity shotgun microphones
- Cabin microphone; records cockpit conversations
- A Harrison helmet-mounted fire control/targeting system
Thursday, October 24, 2013
The Killer RV Killer 2037 - RPG RV (combat, obsolete)
40' RV, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Reg. Truck PP, 10 Solid Tires, Driver & 3 Gunners (all have IBA); 2 4sp UM turrets, 2 VMG (20/reg) in back turret, VMG (20/reg) FR, VMG (20/reg) FL, AC with mag in front turret, HL front, HL back, MD (10/napalm) back, 2 laser batteries, cyberlink to VMG turret, 4 HRTC, 4 ejection seats, IR sighting system, ramplate, roll-cage, IFE, anti-theft system with 22 AP grenades, 12 smoke dischargers (no weight), radar, LDR, no-paint windshield, 417 pts Plastic Armor: F 50 (ram), B 47 FR/BR/FL/BL/FT/BT/FU/BU 40;
HC: 1 Acc. 2.5/5; 25,181 lbs. $145,200.00
Combat Record
Design Notes - What happened here? I don't see a record of the battle or the other cars invovled. This at least has the best weapons available at the time: (1) vulcans, (2) autocannons, and (3) heavy lasers. This also reflects my offense over defense philosophy which persists until this day.
Anyway, when it came to buses etc, I didn't have the books to design these fancy creatures, if I recall correctly, so these designs were made only with the help of my friends' resources. Either that or I had an easy system to make luxury/vans.
Also, it's nice I gave the whole crew ejection seats and body armor, I never do that nowadays.
Name Notes -There must have been a scenario where I went toe-to-toe with another RV (the "Killer RV" I was going to kill).
Combat Record
- SHOTS front HL 3, back HL 2, MD 1, VMG right 1, AC 6, turreted VMG 8 each;
- DAMAGE: front 18 hits, back 25, BL 7, FL 5, FR 11, BR 10, FT 5, BT 11, BU 0, FU 0
- TIRE DAMAGE (note, for some reason I had 12 tires, ooops): front left outer & inner, 7 each; front right outer 17, inner 6; back left tires: 4, 8, 10, 6; back right tires: 4, 11, 11, 7 (see picture for details)
Design Notes - What happened here? I don't see a record of the battle or the other cars invovled. This at least has the best weapons available at the time: (1) vulcans, (2) autocannons, and (3) heavy lasers. This also reflects my offense over defense philosophy which persists until this day.
Anyway, when it came to buses etc, I didn't have the books to design these fancy creatures, if I recall correctly, so these designs were made only with the help of my friends' resources. Either that or I had an easy system to make luxury/vans.
Also, it's nice I gave the whole crew ejection seats and body armor, I never do that nowadays.
Name Notes -There must have been a scenario where I went toe-to-toe with another RV (the "Killer RV" I was going to kill).
Moron 2037 - RPG Chopper (Combat)
Standard Chopper, reg PP, pilot & gunner, 2 VMG (20/HD) in 4 space UM turret, 2 linked RL (10/AP) front, ITL front, LGL to 20 rockets, CACR, CD (10/reg) linked to radar detector, cyberlink (driver to VMG), IFE; 433 pts Plastic Armor: F 90 B 80 R 70 L 70 T 53 U 70; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 13,987 lbs., $122,240.00
Combat Record - 7 shots from VMGs, 3 shots from RLs; 35 hits to front armor, 62 right, 30 back, 9 left.
Design Notes - What was I fighting?! And why have the chaff without buying RP armor? Did I even have a budget? This demonstrates why I was an enthusiastic but unthinking designer. If I had so much money and weight to use, why not get Lasers or more VMGs instead of rockets, LGL or no?
Also, this shows you the adolescent egotism. In my 15 year old mind, I thought that the pilot should have the cyberlink because I was the pilot and I would be the best. Of course in any standard fight, if there's a gunner, he'd have the higher 'gunner' score.
The whole 'chaff' thing was a thing back in the day, much like flachette guns. Very specific use items that never came up. Who used Radar Guidance when you had peerless laser?
Name Notes -Another adolescent name, I presume.
Combat Record - 7 shots from VMGs, 3 shots from RLs; 35 hits to front armor, 62 right, 30 back, 9 left.
Design Notes - What was I fighting?! And why have the chaff without buying RP armor? Did I even have a budget? This demonstrates why I was an enthusiastic but unthinking designer. If I had so much money and weight to use, why not get Lasers or more VMGs instead of rockets, LGL or no?
Also, this shows you the adolescent egotism. In my 15 year old mind, I thought that the pilot should have the cyberlink because I was the pilot and I would be the best. Of course in any standard fight, if there's a gunner, he'd have the higher 'gunner' score.
The whole 'chaff' thing was a thing back in the day, much like flachette guns. Very specific use items that never came up. Who used Radar Guidance when you had peerless laser?
Name Notes -Another adolescent name, I presume.
Kariff 2037 - Div15 Midsized (Obsolete)
Updated Here.
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver; ATG front, HDFT back, 2 points component armor around HDFT (no weight back in 2037), SWC to ATG, 182 pts Plastic Armor: F 50 B 35 R 30 L 30 T 17 U 22 HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5760 lbs. (max 5760), $12,572.00
Design Notes -This probably was designed after Dan's Pride because of the presence of a HDFT. And, as testimony to how well I know myself, look how I added an ATG! In my mind, the 2 go together (as I said over there: "generally I stayed away from Flamethrowers (not sure why, probably because of their weight and volatility... yet I loved anti-tank guns).")
This is obsolete because the component armor rules changed; they used to be no space (and probably no weight; who knows)
Name Notes - Back then, I had such trouble with inventing new names (the intertubes hadn't been invented) that I would choose (somehow) 3 random consonants and then add suitable vowels to make a plausible sounding word. I assume that's what happened here.
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver; ATG front, HDFT back, 2 points component armor around HDFT (no weight back in 2037), SWC to ATG, 182 pts Plastic Armor: F 50 B 35 R 30 L 30 T 17 U 22 HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5760 lbs. (max 5760), $12,572.00
Design Notes -This probably was designed after Dan's Pride because of the presence of a HDFT. And, as testimony to how well I know myself, look how I added an ATG! In my mind, the 2 go together (as I said over there: "generally I stayed away from Flamethrowers (not sure why, probably because of their weight and volatility... yet I loved anti-tank guns).")
This is obsolete because the component armor rules changed; they used to be no space (and probably no weight; who knows)
Name Notes - Back then, I had such trouble with inventing new names (the intertubes hadn't been invented) that I would choose (somehow) 3 random consonants and then add suitable vowels to make a plausible sounding word. I assume that's what happened here.
Thundernaught 2037 - Div20 Luxury
Updated here.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver (Body Armor, no lbs.); RL in turret, 2 linked RL front, 2 linked RL back, 180 pts Plastic Armor: F 30 B 30 R 30 L 30 T 15 U 15; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $20,000 even
Design Notes - Ah, the allure of Rocket Launchers, and with all the space of a Luxury, why not just load 'em up. Well, there's lotsa reasons not to do that. They are inaccurate, volatile and with a crew of one, completely unusable.
Design Notes - Ah, the allure of Rocket Launchers, and with all the space of a Luxury, why not just load 'em up. Well, there's lotsa reasons not to do that. They are inaccurate, volatile and with a crew of one, completely unusable.
Terra 2037 - Div20 Midsized (Galaxy)
Updated here.
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver; RR with mag in turret, HDFOJ back, HRTC, 4x10 pts WG on all wheels, 236 pts Plastic Armor: F 60 B 40 R 50 L 50 T 21 U 15; HC: 2, Acc. 5, 5753 lbs. (max 5760), $19,976.00
Design Notes - I do miss the simplicity of the early days. Aside from the wheel-guards, this is almost TV dinner simple. 1 offensive weapon, 1 defensive weapon, stock PP, stock tires, and spliff-loads of armor.
Name Notes - I had thought this car missing, as I said here in 2057 when I felt I needed to make a new one: "[This is] the missing "Earth" entry for the Galaxy line." Back in 2037, I considered Terra (earth) as a Midsized, saving Luxury for the bigger planets.
Design Notes - I do miss the simplicity of the early days. Aside from the wheel-guards, this is almost TV dinner simple. 1 offensive weapon, 1 defensive weapon, stock PP, stock tires, and spliff-loads of armor.
Name Notes - I had thought this car missing, as I said here in 2057 when I felt I needed to make a new one: "[This is] the missing "Earth" entry for the Galaxy line." Back in 2037, I considered Terra (earth) as a Midsized, saving Luxury for the bigger planets.
Bismark 2037 - Div15 Midsized
Updated here.
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver; RL (10/incen) in turret, FCE (10/back), FE, ramplate, 40 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs; 233 pts Plastic Armor: F 55 (ram) B 40 R 40 L 40 T 30 U 28; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5704 lbs. (max 5760), $14,948.00
Design Notes - A lot of design choices were directed to make this a div15 car. I guess that's why there's PR tires and no targ. computer. But the armor is ridiculous given the other trappings in the car. Sigh.
Name Notes -No idea.
Design Notes - A lot of design choices were directed to make this a div15 car. I guess that's why there's PR tires and no targ. computer. But the armor is ridiculous given the other trappings in the car. Sigh.
Name Notes -No idea.
Hatattacker 2037 - Div40 Van (Obsolete)
Updated here.
Van, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid tires rear, 2 PR Radials front, Driver; AC with 2 mags (30/reg) in turret, ID back, Spear MD with three mags (20/proximity fuses) back, HRTC, 2 bumper triggers (front & back), 136 pts Plastic Armor: F 30 B 20 R 25 L 25 T 21 U 15; HC 3, Acc. 5, 7199 lbs. (max 7200), $35,130.00
Design Notes -This may not be a crazy design. With a gas engine and fewer extra mags, maybe this could be better. Maybe a camper? When did we stop allowing extra magazines in cargo space? Anyway, it's obsolete because of the PRR problem.
Name Notes - Another from the teenager mind: the turret is deadly, so it's a "hat" "attacker."
Van, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid tires rear, 2 PR Radials front, Driver; AC with 2 mags (30/reg) in turret, ID back, Spear MD with three mags (20/proximity fuses) back, HRTC, 2 bumper triggers (front & back), 136 pts Plastic Armor: F 30 B 20 R 25 L 25 T 21 U 15; HC 3, Acc. 5, 7199 lbs. (max 7200), $35,130.00
Design Notes -This may not be a crazy design. With a gas engine and fewer extra mags, maybe this could be better. Maybe a camper? When did we stop allowing extra magazines in cargo space? Anyway, it's obsolete because of the PRR problem.
Name Notes - Another from the teenager mind: the turret is deadly, so it's a "hat" "attacker."
Outlaw 2037 - Div15 Station Wagon
Updated here.
Station Wagon, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver & 1 passenger (in cargo); RR with mag front, RL back, HDPS back, 3 space sleeping compartment (in cargo), 3 spaces for cargo: 900 lbs capacity; 150 pts Plastic Armor: F 35 B 30 R 30 L 30 T 10 U 15; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5965 lbs. (max 6600), $14,400.00
Design Notes - I just don't know about station wagons or cargo spaces. It's yet another thing to fix (I understand there's a new reboot a-comin').
Name Notes -This is too good a name for this turkey.
Design Notes - I just don't know about station wagons or cargo spaces. It's yet another thing to fix (I understand there's a new reboot a-comin').
Name Notes -This is too good a name for this turkey.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Nicrob 2037 - Div20 Midsized
Updated Here.
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 4 PR Radial Tires, Driver; GL (10/concussion) in turret, 2 linked RL front, HRTC, 40 pts Wheelguards, 221 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 B 40 R 35 L 35 T 36 U 35; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5758 lbs. (max 5760), $19,586.00
Name Notes - This was part of my historical naming method of taking 2-3 random consonants and adding appropriate vowels. All told, not the worst result.
- Oct 2016 Option Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 4 PR Radial Tires, Driver; GL (10/Flaming Oil) in turret, 2 linked RL (10/incen) front, HRSWC, 40 pts Wheelguards, 206 pts Plastic Armor: F40 B40 R45 L45 T21 U15; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5758 lbs., $18,796.00
Name Notes - This was part of my historical naming method of taking 2-3 random consonants and adding appropriate vowels. All told, not the worst result.
Styx Special I (2037) - RPG Luxury (Obsolete)
Updated here
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver (no equip) ; Laser in turret, RL (10/incen) front, TL front, LGL to 10 rockets, MD (10/reg with prox fuses) back, FOJ (25/reg) back left, MD & FOJ linked, luxury trimmings ($5k worth), 3 space sleeping area, HRTC, LDR, anti-theft system with 10 grenades, 3 bumper triggers, radar ATAD (hooked to MD, FOJ, RL), weapon timer, radar detector & jammer, overdrive, HD antilock brakes, 10 smoke dischargers, 40 pts WG/WH, 175 pts FPRP Plastic Armor: F 40 B 35 R 30 L 30 T 20 U 20; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $62,375.00
Design Notes -The idea of this design was to make the car that my alter-ego would want to drive from town to town. What I find amazing is that this may have been one of the last cars I made because it had LOADS of fancy new products that I didn't use for any other car. Overdrive? I had no idea what that was, I think, but because it was no weight/no space, I slapped it in.
This is obsolete because of many rules changes for dischargers and the like.
Name Notes -The original name involves my last name, and I will redact that for now. As you can see from here, here and here, the name "Styx Special" is very popular. I renamed the one I put up on this website as Styx Special II because this may have been the key one.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver (no equip) ; Laser in turret, RL (10/incen) front, TL front, LGL to 10 rockets, MD (10/reg with prox fuses) back, FOJ (25/reg) back left, MD & FOJ linked, luxury trimmings ($5k worth), 3 space sleeping area, HRTC, LDR, anti-theft system with 10 grenades, 3 bumper triggers, radar ATAD (hooked to MD, FOJ, RL), weapon timer, radar detector & jammer, overdrive, HD antilock brakes, 10 smoke dischargers, 40 pts WG/WH, 175 pts FPRP Plastic Armor: F 40 B 35 R 30 L 30 T 20 U 20; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $62,375.00
Design Notes -The idea of this design was to make the car that my alter-ego would want to drive from town to town. What I find amazing is that this may have been one of the last cars I made because it had LOADS of fancy new products that I didn't use for any other car. Overdrive? I had no idea what that was, I think, but because it was no weight/no space, I slapped it in.
This is obsolete because of many rules changes for dischargers and the like.
Name Notes -The original name involves my last name, and I will redact that for now. As you can see from here, here and here, the name "Styx Special" is very popular. I renamed the one I put up on this website as Styx Special II because this may have been the key one.
Battleship 2037 - Div40 Luxury (Obsolete)
Updated here.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 2 Solid tires rear, 2 PR Radials front, Driver; RL with mag (20/reg) in turret, AC with mag (20/reg) front, MD with mag (20/reg with proximity fuses) back, PS back, ramplate, HRTC, 5 smoke dischargers, 2 bumper triggers (front & back), MD & PS linked, 2 4pt WG on rear wheels, 2 6pt WG on front wheels, 143 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 (ram) B 26 R 24 L 24 T 15 U 14; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $35,970.00
Design Notes - What a turkey. And it's the limited resources of the day that made me push this to div40. The ramplate? This is embarrasing.
Obsolete because (a) the PRR problem, (b) dischargers weighed nothing back in the day (and they were only smoke, see pic).
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 2 Solid tires rear, 2 PR Radials front, Driver; RL with mag (20/reg) in turret, AC with mag (20/reg) front, MD with mag (20/reg with proximity fuses) back, PS back, ramplate, HRTC, 5 smoke dischargers, 2 bumper triggers (front & back), MD & PS linked, 2 4pt WG on rear wheels, 2 6pt WG on front wheels, 143 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 (ram) B 26 R 24 L 24 T 15 U 14; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $35,970.00
Design Notes - What a turkey. And it's the limited resources of the day that made me push this to div40. The ramplate? This is embarrasing.
Obsolete because (a) the PRR problem, (b) dischargers weighed nothing back in the day (and they were only smoke, see pic).
Brzarp 2037 - Div30 Pickup (Obsolete)
Updated here:
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Imp. Sus., Super PP, 4 PR tires rear, 2 PR-Radials front, Driver; 2 linked Lasers front, laser battery, 30 pts of WG/WH, 255 pts Plastic Armor: F60 B 55 R 50 L 50 T 25 U 15; HC: 2. Acc. 5, 7797 lbs. (max 7800), $29,960.00
Design Notes - Obsolete because of the PRR issue. I wonder how many people have already made this design? Also, a global point: reducing costs by going to Improved suspension is the design equivalent of losing weight by cutting off your legs.
Name Notes -One of the most teenage of my names. It's onomatopoeia! The sound a laser makes! Gadzooks.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Imp. Sus., Super PP, 4 PR tires rear, 2 PR-Radials front, Driver; 2 linked Lasers front, laser battery, 30 pts of WG/WH, 255 pts Plastic Armor: F60 B 55 R 50 L 50 T 25 U 15; HC: 2. Acc. 5, 7797 lbs. (max 7800), $29,960.00
Design Notes - Obsolete because of the PRR issue. I wonder how many people have already made this design? Also, a global point: reducing costs by going to Improved suspension is the design equivalent of losing weight by cutting off your legs.
Name Notes -One of the most teenage of my names. It's onomatopoeia! The sound a laser makes! Gadzooks.
Orfice 2037 - Div25 Luxury
Updated here.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver; RL with mag in turret, 2 linked RR front, OJ back, PS right, PS left, HRTC, 181 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 B 30 R 30 L 30 T 26 U 25; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $24,220.00
Design Notes -Why was I putting so much armor on the tops and bottom? It's not like I learned from experience to do that. And why would opponents take out the turreted RL when there's twin RRs a-blazing out front. They'd much prefer I wham 'em with the stupid RL.
Name Notes -Oh, I don't know. Teenage humor, likely. I do like how the options could spin on the name.
- Econorfice Option -RRs to RLs, PSs to SSs, HRTC to TC, add 19 pts armor, 6590 lbs, $20,000
- Arielfrice Option - remove HCTC, convert armor to FP, add universal mount, $24,840
Design Notes -Why was I putting so much armor on the tops and bottom? It's not like I learned from experience to do that. And why would opponents take out the turreted RL when there's twin RRs a-blazing out front. They'd much prefer I wham 'em with the stupid RL.
Name Notes -Oh, I don't know. Teenage humor, likely. I do like how the options could spin on the name.
Hamhock 2037 - Div20 Luxury
Updated here.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver & Gunner; VMG (20/incen) in turret, MF (5/reg) back, FOJ (25/reg), GL (10/paint) front, 193 pts Plastic Armor: F 36 B 30 R 36 L 36 T 30 U 25; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $19,885.00
Design Notes -I should really rethink using PRs when I had so much weight for massive amounts of *luxury* armor. And GL? So sad those suck.
Name Notes -Oh who can guess what I was thinking back then. I don't eat swine (but some of my best friends do...) Looking closeley at the original document, I think it's possible I renamed this after a few years.
- Option -remove FOJ, add 2 extra MF magazines; $19,310
Design Notes -I should really rethink using PRs when I had so much weight for massive amounts of *luxury* armor. And GL? So sad those suck.
Name Notes -Oh who can guess what I was thinking back then. I don't eat swine (but some of my best friends do...) Looking closeley at the original document, I think it's possible I renamed this after a few years.
Dan's Pride 2037 - Div20 Luxury
Updated here.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver; VMG in turret, HDFT back, 4 linked HRs front, TC, 175 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 B 35 R 30 L 30 T 20 U 20; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $19,100.00
"Dan's Glory" Option - replace HDFT with FT, 40 pt ramplate, add 5 pts of armor; $19,300
Design Notes - My best reconstruction is that this was the design of my friend (named - you guessed it - Dan). It makes sense because generally I stayed away from Flamethrowers (not sure why, probably because of their weight and volatility... yet I loved anti-tank guns). I should give them a better look because despite those negatives, they have 2 things I like: (1) accuracy, (2) dual use.
Name Notes - see above.
October 2016 Update - In trying to update this car, I see the math does not add up; the original would be 300 lbs overweight. To accommodate that, reduce the # of HRs front to 1; 6600 lbs, $18,500
"Dan's Glory" Option - replace HDFT with FT, 40 pt ramplate, add 5 pts of armor; $19,300
Design Notes - My best reconstruction is that this was the design of my friend (named - you guessed it - Dan). It makes sense because generally I stayed away from Flamethrowers (not sure why, probably because of their weight and volatility... yet I loved anti-tank guns). I should give them a better look because despite those negatives, they have 2 things I like: (1) accuracy, (2) dual use.
Name Notes - see above.
October 2016 Update - In trying to update this car, I see the math does not add up; the original would be 300 lbs overweight. To accommodate that, reduce the # of HRs front to 1; 6600 lbs, $18,500
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Spyrix 2037 - Div15 Midsize (Obsolete)
Updated here:
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 2 PR tires back, 2 PR-Radials tires front, Driver; RL (20/reg) in turret, SD (10/explosive) BL, ID (25/reg) BR, ramplate, 40 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 190 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 (ram) B 30 R 40 L 40 T 18 U 22; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5400 lbs. (max 5760), $15,000.00
Name Notes - I have no idea. I do like the X though.
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP, 2 PR tires back, 2 PR-Radials tires front, Driver; RL (20/reg) in turret, SD (10/explosive) BL, ID (25/reg) BR, ramplate, 40 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 190 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 (ram) B 30 R 40 L 40 T 18 U 22; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 5400 lbs. (max 5760), $15,000.00
- Option - Raise armor to 230 pts, 50 pt ramplate, HRTC, 5760 lbs, $19,880
Name Notes - I have no idea. I do like the X though.
Ophelia 2037 - Div30 Pickup (Galaxy)
Updated here.
Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 6 Radial-PR Tires, Driver; HL front, ramplate, TC, 250 pts Plastic Armor: F 60 (ram) B 50 R 40 L 40 T 30 U 30; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 7790 lbs. (max 7800), $29,705.00
Design Notes - Signs o' the times, ramplates and heavy lasers. Loved those things. Look at those armor numbers!
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Ophelia is from Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Design Notes - Signs o' the times, ramplates and heavy lasers. Loved those things. Look at those armor numbers!
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Ophelia is from Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Cordelia 2037 - Div25 Luxury (Galaxy)
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 Solid Tires, Driver & Gunner, VMG in turret, 2 linked MG front, 2 linked MG back, OJ back, 2 TC, 1 cargo space, 5 lbs, 157 pts armor: F35 B30 R30 L30 T17 U15; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6595 lbs. (max 6600), $23,740.00
Design Notes -25 thousand and where's the money go? I was joking about the cargo space but that was in the original write-up.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Cordelia is from Shakespeare's King Lear.
Design Notes -25 thousand and where's the money go? I was joking about the cargo space but that was in the original write-up.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Cordelia is from Shakespeare's King Lear.
Puck 2037 - Div20 Luxury (Galaxy)
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver & Gunner; RL (10/reg) in turret, 2 linked MG (20/reg) front, MD (10/reg) back, HR right, HR left, FE, SWC (driver to RL), TC (gunner), 203 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 B 35 R 40 L 40 T 23 U 25;
HC: 3; Acc. 5; 6600 lbs., $19,760.00
Design Notes - Back in the day, there really wasn't anything to do with extra spaces so I packed in the Heavy Rockets. Also, almost all the equipment in the car is from the original box set! Yet, for a Div20 car, this is remarkably not lethal.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Puck is from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Sadly, I knew the name first from Marvel comics, which I admit is pathethic.
Design Notes - Back in the day, there really wasn't anything to do with extra spaces so I packed in the Heavy Rockets. Also, almost all the equipment in the car is from the original box set! Yet, for a Div20 car, this is remarkably not lethal.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Puck is from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Sadly, I knew the name first from Marvel comics, which I admit is pathethic.
Umbriel 2037 - RPG 40' RV (Galaxy)
40' RV, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Reg Truck PP, 10 Solid Tires, Driver & 2 Gunners, 8 Luxury passengers (3 spaces each); 4 RR (20/reg) in 2 4sp turrets, 2 linked AC (10/reg) front, 4 VMGs (20/reg): FR, FL, BR, BL, FOJ (25/reg) back, ramplate, 3 HRTC, 60 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs, 384 pts armor: F50 (ram), FL/FR/BL/BR 40, FT/FB/FU/BU 31; 25192 lbs (25200 max); $?
Design Notes - I think the truck designs came out not so long after the game began, yet the numbers for trucks (and later choppers) were so crazy in favor of huge amounts of weapons and armor, which either shows the later disregard for playtesting was present from the very beginning, or because they knew the car design rules were not effective and wanted to improve later rules without changing the early stuff.
Actually, the former seems way more plausible. But it galls me how a van will have no armor to speak of (and the low HC) while a simple RV will be able to be virtually unstoppable. I haven't designed trailers (those came out after my time) but I think it's the same problem.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Umbriel is from The Rape of the Lock .
Design Notes - I think the truck designs came out not so long after the game began, yet the numbers for trucks (and later choppers) were so crazy in favor of huge amounts of weapons and armor, which either shows the later disregard for playtesting was present from the very beginning, or because they knew the car design rules were not effective and wanted to improve later rules without changing the early stuff.
Actually, the former seems way more plausible. But it galls me how a van will have no armor to speak of (and the low HC) while a simple RV will be able to be virtually unstoppable. I haven't designed trailers (those came out after my time) but I think it's the same problem.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Umbriel is from The Rape of the Lock .
Titania 2037 - Div25 Van (Galaxy)
Van, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 6 PR Tires, Driver & Gunner; OG (20/reg) in 3sp. turret, 2 linked RL (10/reg) front, ID (25/reg) back, SD (20/expl) back, SS (10/reg) back, ID-SD-SS linked, SD-SS linked, FE, 2 TC, 133 pts Plastic Armor: F 30 B 24 R 25 L 25 T 15 U 14, HC: 2, Acc. 5, 7192 lbs. (max 7200), $23,640.00
Design Notes -Given all the light weapons in this, especially defense, I thought there'd be more armor. Well, that's vans for ya.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Titania is from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Design Notes -Given all the light weapons in this, especially defense, I thought there'd be more armor. Well, that's vans for ya.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Titania is from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Bianca 2037 - Div20 Luxury
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 4 PR Tires, Driver & Gunner; 2 linked VMG (20/incen) front, 2 linked RL (10/incen) back, SWC (gunner to RL), IFE, 145 pts Plastic Armor: F 30 B 30 R 25 L 25 T 18 U 20, HC: 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs. (max 6600), $19,960.00
Design Notes -What can I say? At least I had the right crew.
Name Notes -This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Bianca is from The Taming of the Shrew.
- Option -Remove all incen. ammo, downgrade IFE to FE, add 17 pts armor, $18,100
Design Notes -What can I say? At least I had the right crew.
Name Notes -This was unnamed, so like the others of this period, I'm using the moons of Uranus; Bianca is from The Taming of the Shrew.
Ariel 2037 - Div30 Midsized (Galaxy, Combat)
Midsized, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Large PP (10dp), 4 PR Tires, Driver; 2 linked Lasers front, OJ (25/reg) back, HRTC, 229 pts Plastic Armor: F 50 B 45 R 45 L 45 T 19 U 25;
HC: 3 Acc. 5, 5757 lbs. (max 5760), $29,114.00
Combat Record
Design Notes - It's in div30 because back in 1987 if a car was even a few bucks above one division, I'd just add a hi-res computer and push it to the next. Given the huge amount of armor, I should definitely had gone for solid tires. Ah well, wait until the update.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, for some reason, even though it was taken into battle. For this batch of unnamed "vintage" cars, I decided to use the moons of Uranus (no sniggering, please), which according to the wiki:
Combat Record
- all I see is 2 shots of OJ.
- Possibly all else was erased.
Design Notes - It's in div30 because back in 1987 if a car was even a few bucks above one division, I'd just add a hi-res computer and push it to the next. Given the huge amount of armor, I should definitely had gone for solid tires. Ah well, wait until the update.
Name Notes - This was unnamed, for some reason, even though it was taken into battle. For this batch of unnamed "vintage" cars, I decided to use the moons of Uranus (no sniggering, please), which according to the wiki:
"The first two Uranian moons, discovered in 1787, did not receive names until 1852, a year after two more moons had been discovered. The responsibility for naming was taken by John Herschel, son of the discoverer of Uranus. Herschel, instead of assigning names from Greek mythology, named the moons after magical spirits in English literature: the fairies Oberon and Titania from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the sylphs Ariel and Umbriel from Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock (Ariel is also a sprite in Shakespeare's The Tempest). The reasoning was presumably that Uranus, as god of the sky and air, would be attended by spirits of the air."
Venus 2037 - Div10 Compact
Compact, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., 4 PR Tires, Large PP, Driver; RL (10/reg) front, SS (10/reg) back, SWC, BA for driver, 254 pts plastic Armor: F70 B45 R50 L50 T19 U20;
HC 3, Acc. 5, 4439 lbs. $9,952
Design Notes - Whenever it has 2037 in the title, it's one of my original designs from back when I was a teenager. I found my files a bit ago and I'm slowly putting the cars up here with a scan of the original car picture. As I had trouble finding good names, I would use shortcuts, and "galaxy" was my earliest theme. I designed a car for each planet and this is the original "Venus"
Ironically, when I first started this blog, I had only half of my original car files, so I didn't have a Venus. As such, I decided to make a new one, and that's found here and then an update of that (a compact with a turreted HMG) here.
I'm unsure if this car actually accurate, but I'll save that for the updating.
Design Notes - Whenever it has 2037 in the title, it's one of my original designs from back when I was a teenager. I found my files a bit ago and I'm slowly putting the cars up here with a scan of the original car picture. As I had trouble finding good names, I would use shortcuts, and "galaxy" was my earliest theme. I designed a car for each planet and this is the original "Venus"
Ironically, when I first started this blog, I had only half of my original car files, so I didn't have a Venus. As such, I decided to make a new one, and that's found here and then an update of that (a compact with a turreted HMG) here.
I'm unsure if this car actually accurate, but I'll save that for the updating.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Slice 2037 - Div20 Luxury
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., 4 SD Tires, Super PP, Driver; ATG (10/reg) front, 2 linked HR front, RL (10/reg) back, 2 MG (20/reg) in turret, bumper trigger front, TC, 150 pts plastic Armor: F30 B30 R30 L30 T15 U15; HC 3, Acc. 5, 6600 lbs., $19,600
Design Notes - Overkill on weaponry. 3 weapons-systems with 1 crewman. Div20 and all these cheap inaccurate weapons. This is ripe for updating. But as a historical note, I really liked my penmanship on the car; I had recently taken "architectural drafting" in HS and I like the drawing.
Nov 26, 2013 Update: I moved the 2063 Version here.
Design Notes - Overkill on weaponry. 3 weapons-systems with 1 crewman. Div20 and all these cheap inaccurate weapons. This is ripe for updating. But as a historical note, I really liked my penmanship on the car; I had recently taken "architectural drafting" in HS and I like the drawing.
Nov 26, 2013 Update: I moved the 2063 Version here.
Megaclite 2037 - Div20 Luxury (Galaxy)
Updated here.
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP (12dp), 4 PR Tires (9dp), Driver (no equip); 2 HR (8/AP) in turret with 2 3sp rocket magazines, ITL in turret, LGL to the 8 HRs, RL (10/reg) front, SD (10/explosive), TC, (LGL total = $2200), 193 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 B 35 R 40 L 40 T 23 U 15; HC: 3, Acc. 5, Top Speed 100, Pwr 2600, 6645 lbs. (max 6600), $21,810.00
This also shows that to really design a car you need computer/spreadsheet aids. And I'm all for that. Simple designs were fun for my 13 year old self, especially against other 13 year olds, but I now most enjoy the minute fine tuning the computer designs provide. And I wish there could be even more, to be honest.
Another point is that my Excel sheet says that the 8 HRs in the turret violate the 1/3 rule. Is that true?
Name Notes - A moon of Jupiter. According to the Wiki: "It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2000 .... It was named in October 2002 after Megaclite, mother by Zeus (Jupiter) of Thebe and Locrus (although both of these are assigned a different mother by other authors)."
Luxury, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP (12dp), 4 PR Tires (9dp), Driver (no equip); 2 HR (8/AP) in turret with 2 3sp rocket magazines, ITL in turret, LGL to the 8 HRs, RL (10/reg) front, SD (10/explosive), TC, (LGL total = $2200), 193 pts Plastic Armor: F 40 B 35 R 40 L 40 T 23 U 15; HC: 3, Acc. 5, Top Speed 100, Pwr 2600, 6645 lbs. (max 6600), $21,810.00
- Option 1 - Take off 5 pts armor to get to 6595 lbs, $21,710 (I'm not bothering to get this down to space).
This also shows that to really design a car you need computer/spreadsheet aids. And I'm all for that. Simple designs were fun for my 13 year old self, especially against other 13 year olds, but I now most enjoy the minute fine tuning the computer designs provide. And I wish there could be even more, to be honest.
Another point is that my Excel sheet says that the 8 HRs in the turret violate the 1/3 rule. Is that true?
Name Notes - A moon of Jupiter. According to the Wiki: "It was discovered by a team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii led by Scott S. Sheppard in 2000 .... It was named in October 2002 after Megaclite, mother by Zeus (Jupiter) of Thebe and Locrus (although both of these are assigned a different mother by other authors)."
Coaster 2059 (AADA Fix) - Div10 Compact
Original - Compact, Xhvy Chassis, Heavy Sus., Med PP, 4 SD tires, driver; MG (20/reg) front, MD (10/reg) back, 1 extra space, 225 pts Plastic Armor: F45 B45 R40 L40 T30 U25; HC 3, Acc 5, 4200 lbs, $9825
- Original Notes - The original was designed with cargo space, and since this is the oldest of schools, there were no engine options; once PC/SC is allowed, a Med PP can carry the max weight.
2059 Update: Compact, Xhvy Chassis, Hvy Sus., Medium PP, 4 SD tires, driver; MG (20/reg) front, MD (10/reg) back, 2 smoke/oil dischargers; 10 pts FP CA around driver; 215 pts platic Armor: F45 B45 R40 L40 T25 U20; HC 3, Acc. 5, Top 90, 4190 lbs, $9995
- Design Notes - This was my first attempt back in 2059 (2009, ahem). It's fine. My first impression 4 years later was to add power to the engine and a turret, because why not with a base 1 space weapon? I was about to add a turreted HMG, but that's already the Venus series (here and here), and my commitment to 'weapon system as identity' meant I couldn't go there.
- Design Notes - OK, so there what to like here. LR Metal armor may or may not be necessary in Div10, but it really is cheap ($113.75 difference), I didn't go to LR CA though because I just felt 1 pt matters there and there's very few lasers in div10. I'm not sure if I can keep Solid tires and keep this a Div10, but that should be an ultimate goal.
- Design Notes - This was an attempt to get an HMG and to do that I dropped the turret, and I like the lethality and variation but I'd still like to get some solid tires in here..
- Design Notes - OK, so here's 1 version of a standard 'Coaster' with an HMG; I couldn't keep the dischargers though.
- Design Notes - This is going to be the last. As you can see, it's really a glorified div10 car. The LR armor does matter more in Div15, as with all the other defensive methods.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Io - Div20 Pickup (Galaxy)
Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP (12dp), 6 Solid Tires (12dp), Driver; VMG (20/HD) in turret, SD (10/reg) back, SWC, 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 foam/sand (2T, 2U, 1R 1L); 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); 40 pts total for Wheelguards/Wheelhubs (you choose where), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP and (b) driver, 91 pts sloped Composite Armor (41 Metal/50 Plastic): F 10/5 B 10/5 R 10/5 L1 0/5 T 0/18 U 1/10;
HC: 2, Acc. 5, Top Speed 90, Pwr 2600, 7798.4 lbs., $19,955.00
Design Notes -On the SJGames forum some dude said that a Div20 Pickup can be made with a VMG and HD ammo and metal armor. I tried it out and it worked.
Name Notes-From the Wiki: "Io is the innermost of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter and, with a diameter of 3,642 kilometres (2,263 mi), the fourth-largest moon in the Solar System. It was named after the mythological character Io, a priestess of Hera who became one of the lovers of Zeus."
Design Notes -On the SJGames forum some dude said that a Div20 Pickup can be made with a VMG and HD ammo and metal armor. I tried it out and it worked.
Name Notes-From the Wiki: "Io is the innermost of the four Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter and, with a diameter of 3,642 kilometres (2,263 mi), the fourth-largest moon in the Solar System. It was named after the mythological character Io, a priestess of Hera who became one of the lovers of Zeus."
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