Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quaoar - Div5 Compact (Galaxy)

Compact, Light Chassis, Improved Suspension, Medium PP (8dp), 4 HD Tires (6dp), Driver (no equip), ATG (9/reg) front, 0 total links, no cargo space, 15 pts sloped Composite Armor (10 Metal/5 Plastic): F 2/0 B 2/0 R 3/0 L 3/0 T 0/1 U 0/4; HC: 2, Acc. 5, Top Speed 105, Pwr 1400, 3330 lbs. (max 3300), $4,999.00

  • Plastic Option - Compact, Light Chassis, Light Suspension, Medium PP (8dp), 4 HD Tires (6dp), Driver (no equip), ATG (9/reg) front, 55 pts sloped Plastic Armor F 12 B 11 R 14 L 14 T 2 U 2; HC: 1, Acc. 5, Top Speed 105, Pwr 1400, 3330 lbs. (max 3300), $4,956.00

  • SWC Option - Compact, Light Chassis, Light Suspension, Medium PP (8dp), 2 HD Tires (6dp) front, 2 Standard Tires (4dp) rear, Driver (no equip), ATG (9/reg) front, SWC, 0 total links, no cargo space, 15 pts sloped Composite Armor (10 Metal/5 Plastic): F 2/0 B 2/0 R 3/0 L 3/0 T 0/1 U 0/4; HC: 1, Acc. 5, Top Speed 105, Pwr 1400, 3330 lbs. (max 3300), $4,999.00

  • SWC Plastic Option - Compact, Light Chassis, Light Suspension, Medium PP (8dp), 4 Standard Tires (4dp), Driver (no equip), ATG (9/reg) front, JD (10/reg) rear, SWC, 36 pts Plastic Armor F 8 B 8 R 9 L 9 T 1 U 1; HC: 1, Acc. 5, Top Speed 105, Pwr 1400, 3301 lbs. (max 3300), $4,988.00

Design Notes - This started as a simple idea: a div5 with an anti-tank gun.  Not saying I'd drive this, but I feel I should make more div5s.  I made the plastic armor versions because I don't know if 2 pts of metal armor are worth anything.  To get the SWC, I needed to sacrifice a lot.

Name Notes -According to the Wiki: "50000 Quaoar ("Kwawar") is a rocky trans-Neptunian object in the Kuiper belt with one known moon. It is probably a dwarf planet. ... discovered on June 4, 2002 .... Quaoar is named for the Tongva creator god, following International Astronomical Union naming conventions for non-resonant Kuiper belt objects. The Tongva are the native people of the area around Los Angeles, where the discovery of Quaoar was made. Brown et al. had picked the name with the more intuitive spelling Kwawar, but the preferred spelling among the Tongva was Qua-o-ar."

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