Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bonodell 2063 - Div75 Pickup (Updated)

Type: Pickup 1sp Ext Cab, Chassis: Xtra-Heavy, Suspension: Heavy, Engine: Sport PP,  Tires: 6 FP-Radial-Solids (11dp), Crew: Driver (no equip), Weaponry: 2 linked GG front (10/reg); Weighted Accessories: Active Suspension, spoiler & airdam, safety seat, HD Shocks, Unweighted Accessories: HRSWC, HD-antilock brakes, HTM, Overdrive (linked), no-paint windshield, [6 total links], Dischargers: 10 dischargers: 4 oil (FBRL) 6 smoke (2T, 2U, 1R 1L); Defenses: smoke disch. linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) and 4 bumper triggers (to oil & also linked to that side's weapons); Wheel Armor: 59 pts total (2x10 WG rear, 39 pts WH (you choose where)), 9 pts LRFP Component Armor each around (a) PP [6 spaces] and (b) driver [2 sp.], Cargo: 11 cargo spaces, 66 pts Composite Armor (38 LR Metal/28 FP Plastic): F(8/5) B(8/5) R(8/5) L(8/5) T(3/3) U(3/5); HC: 4 (5 over 60), Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top Speed 110 (82.5/130), Pwr 3450, 7797.4 lbs. (max 7800), $74,361.00

Ram Option 1 - add ramplate, armor is now 34 pts LR Metal, 26 pts FP Plastic: F 8/4 (ram) B 7/4 R 8/4 L 8/4 T 1/5 U 2/5; 7797.4 lbs, $75,021.00

Ram Option 2 - add ramplate, armor is now LRFP Plastic; there are 33 pts for WG/WH; vehicle armor is 180 pts LRFP: F 50 (ram) B 35 R 35 L 35 T 10 U 15; , 7800.1 lbs, $84,775.00

Design Notes - An update of one of my favorite combat veterans:
Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy Sus., Super PP, driver, 6 SD tires, 2 linked GG front, cyberlink, no-paint windshield, 281 pts. FP armor: F70, R60, L60, B50, T20, U21; Acc. 5, HC 2; 7791 lbs., $59,564
Simple, deadly. But only 10 shots, and then it's what?  Even in the original, I had a ram option.  But to be honest, I have no idea how the ram rules work with composite armor, hence the second option.

[Updated Oct 2, 2015]

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