- Div30 Option 1 - Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy Sus, Super PP, 6 PR-Radial tires, driver, HL front, ramplate, IFE, roll-cage, safety seat, spoilers & airdam, HTM & Overdrive (linked), bumper trigger front, 10 dischargers (4 oil, 2 smoke, 4 foam); 38 pts WG/WH, 71 pts component armor (25 MET/46 Plastic): F(10/12, ram) B(4/8) R(4/8) L(4/8) T(1/5) U(2/5); HC 4 (5 over 60), Acc. 5 (HTM 10/Overdrive 2.5), Top 90 (67.5/110), 7799 lbs, $29,988
Pickup, Xhvy Ch., Hvy. Sus., Super PP, 6 Radial-PR Tires, Driver; HL front, ramplate, TC, 250 pts Plastic Armor: F 60 (ram) B 50 R 40 L 40 T 30 U 30; HC: 3, Acc. 5, 7790 lbs. (max 7800), $29,705.00.So the problem of updating this truck is that I have a lot of 'Pickups with Heavy Laser front':
- Sunder 2037, Div45 Camper, 2 linked HL front, ramplate
- Justice 2037, Div40 Camper, 2 HL front, HDFOJ back
- Triton 2037 Div35 Pickup (Obsolete), 2 HL front, VMG in turret
- Arbingor 2037 Div40 (Obsolete), Pickup with HL front & it's Arbingor 2063 Update
- Galvanize 2057 Div100 Pickup, 2 linked HL front
Name Notes - See the original.
* Styx Defensive System = 6 Hot Smoke Dischargers linked to 5 laser reactive webs (F, B, R, L, T; covering tires of those sides as well) & 4 bumper triggers (to ice & also linked to that side's weapons)